Year 2025: Perfect for Solo Trips!
2025: A Year of the Hermit – What It Means for You
Year 2025 Energy: Perfect for Solo Trips and Self-Discovery
Hi, guys! Today I want to talk to you about the energy of the new year, 2025. I’m really into numerology and the Matrix of Destiny system created by Natalia Landini, a spiritual teacher from Ukraine. It just makes so much sense to me, and I use it a lot for my own soul-searching. If you’re interested, I can explain how it works in more detail some other time.
This system uses tarot cards, specifically the 22 major arcana. Last year, 2024, was influenced by the number 8, which in this system is the Justice card. Justice is all about karma, so 2024 felt like a year when karma was served. For me, I could really feel it—it was a time when a lot of things ended, and many people or situations left my life.
Maybe you felt it too? Like relationships ending, jobs not feeling right anymore, or past problems being resolved. Or maybe the opposite happened—if things were already rough, they might have gotten harder. That’s what the year of karma is about: everything balances out.
Now, let’s talk about 2025. If you add up the numbers (2+0+2+5), it comes to 9, which is the Hermit card in tarot. The Hermit is all about introspection and looking within. This year is going to be about diving deep inside ourselves, processing what happened last year, and finding our own inner voice.
It’s not about loneliness—it’s about solitude. There’s a big difference. You might actually want to spend more time alone, and that’s okay. It’s a chance to figure out who you are, separate your own voice from all the other voices around you. But it’s not always easy.
We grow up surrounded by people telling us what to do, how to live, and even how to think. This year, you might feel like it’s time to stop listening to all that and really figure out what you want. For me, nature has always been a huge help with this. Being near water especially—it’s like water represents feelings. That’s why people say things like, “I’m diving into something”
This year, we’re all going to be divers. Diving into our feelings, our past, and our own inner truth. You might even feel like stepping away from friends, family, or even your kids sometimes, and that’s fine. It’s so important to give yourself that space to just be with yourself. Not even with pets—just you. Nothing else distracting you from who you really are.
If you feel like you’re already in this space, try solo traveling or going for long drives. For me, solo trips have always been the best for clearing my head and reconnecting with myself. It doesn’t matter if it’s the mountains, the ocean, or wherever you feel most peaceful—you just need that time alone to reset.
I’m really excited about this year. I think 2025 is going to be a time when more people realize they can’t rely on anything outside themselves. Jobs end, people leave, and nothing lasts forever. The only thing you can count on is what’s inside you.
And if you’re already ahead of the curve, already doing that inner work, maybe it’s time to share your story. That’s what helped me when I was in the middle of it—hearing from others who had been there before me. That’s also why I started sharing my thoughts online, so maybe my journey can help someone else.
So, get ready for some deep diving, guys. I hope this blog helps you prepare for what’s coming in 2025. And if you’re reading this at the end of the year, let me know how it went for you in the comments! Happy New Year!