Trip Planning

Maybe you've dreamed of Yellowstone since you were a child, or maybe you've never heard of it until last week. It does not matter because now, all you can think of is that trip. Well, that is how it works with me, anyway. When I have my dream destination in mind, I can't help but think about how to make it work. I want to share with you a few tips on how to plan the best vacation of your life.

Research is key! You will need to find out a lot of things about your dream destination. I would start with the weather.

I really feel sorry for people who come to see Yellowstone in the winter. Believe me, there are a lot of people who had no idea that the Park is closed from October till mid-May. Throughout the years, I've met tourists who spent a lot of money on tickets and ended up sitting in the hotel next to the park. Usually, their motivation was to beat the crowd, and they sure did.

Even as locals, we cannot predict when the park will be open. It all depends on the weather and the amount of snow. Usually, it happens around May 15th. The same goes for the closing date - the first snow will close the Park down, and it can happen any day from September 15 to the end of October.

Yellowstone has 5 entrances. The North Entrance (Gardiner) is open year-round, while the other four will be opened depending on road and weather conditions. So, research, or just contact us, and we can do it for you!

Coordinate! Maybe you're coming with friends or family, and each member of your group probably has their own areas of interest. As a planner, you would want to tackle them all. Your son might be a nature lover and could not wait to see some buffalo and other wildlife; your husband might want to have access to wifi and a hot tub, and you might want to find the best place to meditate or recharge near the waterfalls. Wyoming and Yellowstone offer it all, and all of it can be achieved in one day. But you do need to understand the needs and goals of every member of your group. So, try to talk to each of your travel mates and find out about their expectations.

Get inspired! Even if your trip is organized by professionals, you don't need to do the research. It's still nice to get into the context before your trip. Find some documentaries about the animals you are going to see or movies made in the place you are going to visit. Perhaps you want to research some of the historical events or people who played a big role in that area (like Buffalo Bill, for example). You don't have to know it all, but it might help you understand the place and people a little better and will surely enrich your travel experience.

I hope you will find those tips helpful. Just remember, travel is a journey, and even if everything goes wrong, it will all be alright.


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